The Rapture Kit

We believe in a pre-tribulation view of The Rapture. 
We are strong believers in prophecy, and how it is perfectly lining up with the events we’re seeing globally.
We also acknowledge that unless one is mature in the LORD, much of scripture won’t make sense, and in fact, much is not preached in most churches. We strongly suggest you listen to the messages from various pastors listed in our additional resource section as their teachings, beyond those in our radio shows and publications on being Rapture Ready are excellent.

So — The Rapture Happens — what about how the media spins our being taken up by the LORD as his bride into a circus of alien abduction. They’re already setting the stage for that, just look at all the UFO sightings and releases of previous information now verifying UFO activity. Not! It’s just the stage being set.

The  Rapture Kit we offer is a modified version of the RAPTURE KIR published by IAMAWATCHMAN, and it is an excellent source of information for those who want to prepare for the Rapture, for those who will be left behind, and for our needs right now as messengers to spread the Good News of the Gospel, and bring those who do not yet believe to Christ’s waiting arms.


32GIG Thumb drive from modified from IAMAWATCHMAN
Contact us for either an entire thumb drive or portions therof.