Authentic, Inspired, Inerrant, and True
From the beginning, Satan has attempted to make us question God’s Word to us. Part of Satan’s plan is to cause us to doubt that the Bible is God’s authentic, inspired, inerrant and true message to us all. It’s easier to look at the Bible as a storybook or piece of literature rather than know God’s Word is the truth. Thus, many people think of the Bible as a storybook of a book of historical literature – therefore, whether it is true or not is immaterial. Many people say they believe in parts of the Bible, but not others. We know that the Bible is authentic, inspired, inerrant and true Word of God: if part is true, all is true. If all of God’s word is true, we must face the truth about our own moral character. Thus, through independent research and with the goal of Scripture proving Scripture rather than relying on what man says about God’s Word, this book gradually came together exploring such topics as: what God says, statistical proof, historical and archeological evidence, and prophecy. And finally, we look at how the various versions of the Bible came about and a candid discussion is provided on how accurate or inaccurate they today’s Bibles are. Let Dr. West-Stellick lead you on an exciting journal that lays the foundation, and then covers 3,500 years of writing, translations, discoveries leading to the you to the fact-based conclusion: The Bible IS God’s Word to us. ISBN: 978-1887219105
In Sickness and in Health
n Sickness and in Health represents raw emotion. Inside you will find friends who have experienced what happens when chronic illness becomes the uninvited third member in your marital relationship. Inside, patients share their stories of pain and regret; partners and spouses share their frustrations, and fears. Both share the experiences of unplanned changes to their relationship. All share stories that are all too common when people gloss over the “In Sickness and in Health” part of their wedding vows, and reality sets in when someone is diagnosed with a life-altering chronic illness. This book provides a key message to all patients and partners: you are not alone. Others have walked (or been wheeled) in your shoes. In Sickness and in Health provides the unique ability to learn what your partner is likely to be thinking and why he or she is behaving in a specific way that you may not know about. This book does not promise to transform your relationship, but it does promise to leave you with the knowledge that you are not alone in your journey. ISBN: 978-1887219204
God, Marriage, and Illness
It is a sobering truth. The divorce rate for physically healthy couples is between 40-50 %, the divorce rate for those plagued by chronic illness is in excess of 75 percent. When illness strikes, suddenly most people wonder what happened to that wonderful, caring, sensitive person they fell in love with. They wonder why they feel alone, and why they hurt even though they are still married or in a significant relationship. They wonder why their Godly marriage is falling apart. Part of the problem is focus. When there is a lack of reliance on God once illness presents in a marriage, the Illness, Marriage, and God paradigm needs to be transformed into one that places God first, followed by your marriage, and then, and only then, the focus on illness should enter into the triad. With the rate of chronic illnesses increasing at an alarming rate, readers must take action and INVEST to protect or repair their marriage in only the way that dependence and a focus on God can provide! What God, Marriage, and Illness offers is an interactive workbook designed to enable the reader a way to regain the proper perspective and focus on God first in their life.
ISBN: 978-188721920242
The God Prescription
Despite professional medical evidence that stresses prayer and attention to the spiritual life of a chronically ill patient dramatically serves to improve their quality of life, upwards of 72% of all healthcare professionals never broach the subject with their patients, opting to focus instead on the medical model of patient care. Sadly, the traditional medical model draws the patient’s attention away from the spiritual Godly realm and focuses it on the patient themselves. The real focus need to remain on Him, not the self. The God Prescription puts the focus back on God. The God Prescription can help you to: 1. Enhance your quality of life; 2. Reduce chronic pain and inflammation; 3. Transform limitations into opportunities that glorify God; and 4. Draw you closer to God. Writing from personal experience as a doctor and as a patient, Dr. West brings you: The God Prescription. ISBN: 978-1887219020
Fear of Forgetting Jesus
The Christian edition of Fear of Forgetting, delves into the heart and soul of a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or one of the dementias as virtually every area of their Christian life is examined. Following a detailed presentation of the physiology involved in the disease progression, with the help of Scripture, areas of the individual’s life are examined along with probing questions requiring the patient to document their feelings and experiences, along with their questions regarding risks, how they feel about memory loss and issues related to making new memories, including a major section delving into who the patient thinks Jesus is, their relationship with Jesus, familial history and experiences, favorite prayers, favorite Scriptures, and more. Like Fear of Forgetting, Fear of Forgetting Jesus guides the reader past their diagnosis and provides important information in an easy to understand way that educates the patient about what is really happening to their brain, what the journey will be like, and what they can do about their diagnosis to embrace their journey. Fear of Forgetting Jesus is also purposely designed to enable easy reading for the older individual already in the early stages of the disease; in workbook format, it guides the patient through an introspective process of examining and documenting their fears, thoughts, and emotions about the diagnosis, the journey they will take, and how they believe it will be best to reach them as the disease progresses based on their unique life events, likes, and dislike, and should become a living journal for family and friends to use as a non-threatening springboard for discussion and care. And like Fear of Forgetting, Fear of Forgetting Jesus also includes the free bonus: My Life, My Memories, a special memory prompting diary all about who you are!
ISBN: 978-1887219273
My Life, My Memories
My Life, My Memories is a journal for completion by the dementia patient This journal will prompt you to write out answers to questions about your life, and your memories. The goal is to achieve a comprehensive book of your life, who you are, and what you are most likely to remember most as Alzheimer’s disease or one of the other dementias progress. This journal will tie the patient’s current life and past (stored memories) together. It will also help others to work with the patient in the later stages of the disease when, based on the patient’s responses to the prompts in this book, for example, when you state likes and dislikes not only from the present but from the past. Topics covered include general information (such as your name), work history, education, romance, childhood and teen years, religion, food, and a section called “last but not least” where the patient can enter anything else that may have been overlooked but is considered by the patient to be important! ISBN: 978-1887219327
Remembering Him Despite Dementia
Remembering Him Despite Dementia is essentially a follow-up book to Fear of Forgetting Jesus. When dementia strikes, although the brain cognitive and memory functions are gradually lost, our emotional attachments and connections remain virtually, up until the end. Remembering Him Despite Dementia focuses on the emotional attachments we have with the LORD. Whether they are from when one wasn’t a believer, or whether they have been a believer all of their life, emphasizing the need to strengthen our emotional attachments to Christ can help those suffering from varied stages of dementia remain strong and resolute in Him. This will allow us to truly fill our hearts to overflowing for the LORD and overcome any fear of forgetting Jesus as dementia ravages our memory.
ISBN: 978-1887219303